Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Downtown Exploring

Wow, things have been absolutely positively insane over the last few weeks. I've been doing some second shooting for the amazing Erin Gilmore and gearing up for more great weddings to come. But mostly I've been editing and albuming like crazy and finishing up my great weddings from May. I've had some randomness thrown in as well and so I thought I'd through in a random blog post. A few weeks ago I strolled around downtown with a good friend of mine and we just had our own photo safari. I challenged myself to capture great lines and shapes and then decided to do it all in B&W. Here are a few of my faves. Stay tuned for a great E-Session and wedding coming up this weekend.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I just cliked the next blog button a couple of times on my blog to see what would happen, and when I saw your photography I had to comment. You are very gifted, and seeing your photographs has truly made my day brighter!