Tuesday, July 29, 2008


On Saturday Evening I had the pleasure of meeting Nazanin and Moe for the first time. Nazanin called me a few weeks ago to schedule an engagement session and I could tell right away that her and Moe were super sweet - and I was right. As soon as I met them I could feel their warmth and love, they are just genuinely friendly and relaxed people. We didn't quite get the sunshine we were hoping for at this session but the amazing dress that Nazanin wore made up for it - LOVE IT!!! We started in Coal Harbour and then made our way through Stanely Park and ended up at Third Beach. The beach was super fun and I really had a good time running around in the sand. Thanks you guys for a great session and it was so wonderful to meet you. Good luck with the planning for next year and Enjoy your photos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are all really cute and fun! Love them all!