Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lena and Jason are Getting Married!!!

On Friday Evening I got to meet up with Lena and Jason for their engagement shoot and we made our way through the alleys and streets of Gastown. It was fun finding colourful backdrops and graffiti walls to take photos against and we dodged traffic and snuck through restaurants for a few of them. We did manage to find quite a bit of lime green things to take pictures of, one of Lena's wedding colours, and discovered that a parkade is a great place for a photo shoot. These two are super fun to hang out with and are so cute together, they make my job pretty easy. I can't wait for their 08-08-08 wedding this summer. Thanks guys for the great time - hope you enjoy your sneak peek.



GatorMonkey said...

Thank you Jenn, the photos are AMAZING!! You got me super excited for the wedding day, as if I wasn't excited already!

Em said...

ooh- love these... the expressions are so genuine and the colors just pop - great job!

Peachy Keen Mumma said...

Jenn! I love the Green pictures and that red one-looking up. The colours are so vibrant and alive! Beautiful!