Monday, July 14, 2008


Well, first off... things have been more than nutso nuts lately and I have to apologize for being late with blogging - thank you Laura & Sheldon for your patience. Laura and Sheldon were married on July 5, 2008 and was it one memorable day. These two are beyond amazing and handled lots of craziness with effortless ease - including, me falling flat out on my face, bruising every limb, scraping my elbow and watching my camera fall to the ground - CRAZY!!! A big thanks to L&S and their amazing wedding party who ensured emergency kits, band aids and icepacks were on hand [note to self - bring first aid kit along on weddings] :) But, back to these two... Laura looked absolutely stunning as I knew she would and the two of them together were so cute. Despite the grey and drizzly skies we had an amazing time taking pictures. The ceremony was at the Beautiful St. Helen's Parish in Burnaby then it was out the cover of Port Moody's City Hall before heading to Old Orchard Park for the Reception that was FULL of laughter and joy, and some of the best food we've ever had at a wedding (vendor details to come). Laura and Sheldon were surrounded by amazing family who oozed love on them and it was such a beautiful thing to watch - they are amazing people of love. Enjoy your sneak peek guys and hope the Caribbean is treating you well.


Callie Crass said...

Jenn these are so great! I love the picture of her and her dad dancing! How sweet! Image X!! Almost here!! :)

Peachy Keen Mumma said...

I love you eye for detail. I was just showing david you website. I hope some of these make it on your website. such a gorgeous couple. I liked the one of them dancing in wigs, and the rings, and the cupcakes and...i could just go on and on...
love u