Thursday, April 10, 2008

Anna loves Salsa and Graham hates it!

At family dinner the other week we discovered how much Scott's neice Anna loves salsa, the-eat-it-straight-out-of-the-bowl type of loving salsa. It's funny because her big brother hates the stuff (along with his hate of bears and spiders). Anyway, I was so very entertained by all of Anna's expressions and total concentration on eating her "chocwate tookie" that I made a slideshow. Click here to see it. I was also so impressed with how grown up Graham is looking these days. He's going to be 5 soon and that means kindergarten next year - man where does the time go. He was so cute walking around with his hands in his pockets and the collar of his polo shirt not quite tucked right. I included a few great shots of him hamming it up for the camera - scroll down to see those. Ahhhh, kids, gotta love them.

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