Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Island Vacation Part Two

Okay so more about our island vacation: On Thursday we went down to Victoria and instead of venturing downtown to the harbour we decided to go the round about way. We went to Mount Douglas where you have a 360 degree view of the area. You can see all the way to the mainland and look out over Victoria. We also headed over to a beach that I think was called Willows Beach and it was reeaaallll puuurrrttttyyyy. Anyway, I'll let the photos speak for themselves.

On Mt. Douglas looking over to the mainland

On Mount Douglas looking out over Victoria
A hawk that was circling really close
Michael admiring the viewMe and Heather

Me and my super cute hubby
Here is the pretty beach

My cute hubby at the pretty beachPart of Heather's rock collection from the beach

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