Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Catching up after the long weekend

So, it's Wednesday and I'm still catching up from our long weekend. It was a great one but a super busy one full of a full wedding on Saturday with "To Have and To Hold", an awesome photoshoot with the Dirom family on Sunday morning (will post photos soon), a great and long overdue visit with the Anderson's on Sunday afternoon/evening, and on Monday - some beach time and a BBQ with Scott's family where we got to see the twins (with more photos to post soon).

So out of all of this, I have some photos to post from our visit with Doug, Carolyn, Micah and Moriah Anderson on Sunday- although most of the photos are of Micah and Moriah. We haven't seen these guys since Moriah was born which was back in January so we couldn't believe how big she was - and SUPER CUTE!!! We had a great time and wish them all the best on their move back to Saskatoon.

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