Sunday, January 27, 2008

Snow Day

Well last night the weather people were right and we got a dump of snow. We don't normally get a lot of snow, it tends to turn to rain quite quickly, but this year we've had quite a few days where it snowed and it has actually stuck. I really do like the snow (as long as I don't have to drive in it) and it's especially nice when the sun comes out. My hubby and I got up this morning, walked to our favourite breakfast spot for brunch and then took a stroll around the old neighbourhood. I couldn't help but take my camera and I love the bright coloured shots with the hits of snow - so pretty. Here's a bit of our winter to share with you all.

1 comment:

Peachy Keen Mumma said...

More tears. You made me so homesick. I want Canada. You really captured our home and native land!