Thursday, January 10, 2008


So one of the things that I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUPER SUPER SUPER excited about for 2008 is going to NEW ORLEANS for ImageX '08 next October. It's going to be one Rockin' Photography Workshop with 10 of the top wedding/portrait photographers in the industry being there. As an attendee you get to choose 2 amazing photographers to spend a day with and I will be lucky enough to learn from Jessica Claire and Chenin Boutwell, 2 amazing photographers who I am totally inspired by and blog stalk. Anyway, It will be a blast and for those who might also be interested in going check out their site. The following image is one from the ImageX Promo shoot and was taken by the talend Victor C. Sizemore. Ooooohhh, I'm so excited. New things to learn and amazing models to shoot in one amazing city. Only 264 more days to go...

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