Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A Few Summer Weddings

Well, its that time of year again. The summer is over, the weddings have come and gone and new brides are phoning for the coming summer. I've gotten to meet some wonderful ladies and couples and am really looking forward to what the new year will bring. Beautiful couples and great locations promise amazing images and spectacular days.

I just wanted to start sharing some great weddings from this past year, and maybe even a little farther back.

For now, I want to share Donna and Hugh's wedding from this past July. Their wedding was at the Shadbolt centre for the Arts at Deer Lake Park in Burnaby. The location was a beautiful mix of architecture and nature. I loved it. Donna and Hugh were absolutely wonderful and so cute together - Hugh was just bursting with happiness. I had such a great time and wish them all the best.

CLICK HERE for their slideshow or on the photo below.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Past Two Weeks...

... Have been absolutely insane. Things have been super busy as Scott and I were renovating our new place (ie. de-eightyfying it and applying lots o' paint) and packing up our old place. We finally moved in on Saturday and so it's been boxes, boxes and more boxes. When things look better I will take pics to share of our new pride and joy.

In the meantime, I wanted to share some super cute photos of Anna and Graham (my husbands -and mine - niece and nephew). Anna is now almost 7 months old and it had been quite a while since she had a special photo shoot of her own. She was full of smiles and giggles and was sooooooo cute. Her big bro got in on the action too.


Saturday, December 02, 2006

Dirom Slideshow #2

Here is the slideshow from the second session with the Diroms to welcome little baby Heather.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sun and Snow

The sun came out today and everything looked so pretty, but it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cold. It's -10 and with the wind chill it is supposed to get down to -20, and for Vancouver that is really really cold. I almost slipped and fell twice outside because everything is turning to ice. Anyway, it looked nice, here are a few pics from just outside our door.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Let It Snow

It's Snowing Here!!!!! It looks awesome outside and we've already been out to play around in the snow. Hope it keeps coming - except for the fact that no one here can drive in it.

Here are a few pics just outside our balcony. There's a lot more snow in upper levels of the north shore and Vancouver, we're right by the water so there isn't as much here.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Beautiful Heather - the new little Dirom

This morning I had the pleasure of hanging out once again with the awesome Dirom family. Their latest addition, beautiful baby Heather, had arrived and it was time for her to have her pictures taken as well as do some family photos for Christmas. Once again it was so wonderful taking photos of this family. The kids were a blast and it so precious getting to see such a little personality. Thanks a lot Dirom family!


Here she is... Beautiful Little toes Nice and Cozy

With Daddy And her big bro and sis
A great moment with mom
The whole family

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Our New Little Place

Okay, so the latest and probably most exciting news is that Scott and I bought our first place! It all happened unexpectadly (even though we've been looking on and off for a while) and then of course I got super sick. So, the celebrating has been on the back burner a bit but since I'm feeling much better we're having a lot of fun thinking of all the cool things we're going to do to it (It needs some updating). And of course I'm super excited because I get way more space for all my photography stuff.

So Anyway, It's a townhouse in Lynn Valley, so we're both excited that we're still on the North Shore. And the lovely green door on the left is our front door and we have the top two floors. So we get the balcony and the top four windows. So Exciting and we can't wait to move in.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Their First Birthday

Today was the day. Jack and Amelia celebrated their first birthday and what a party it was. They were super cute and super messy - covered in chocolate cake. The party was full of lots of friends and family, presents and great moments. Check out the slideshow here or click the photo.

A Saturday with the Twins

On Saturday Jack and Amelia spent the day at Grace and Lee's so their parents could get ready for their big birthday party on Sunday. We had tonnes of fun with the kiddies and they got to play with a whole load of aunts and uncles, great aunts and uncles and cousins. Here are a few pics from the day.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Happy Belated Birthdays and Anniversaries!!!

So in the past few weeks there have been a ton of Birthdays and some lovely anniversaries- which I've spent sending good wishes to people while I'm lying down. So Happy Belated Anniversary to Grace and Lee and Happy Belated Anniversary to Ken and Heather. Happy Belated Birthday Hillary, Happy Belated Birthday Heather, Happy Belated Birthday Mom and Happy Belated Birthday Jack and Happy Belated BirthdayAmelia. Yup, can you believe it - the twins are a whole year old. There's going to be a big party for them this weekend so I can't wait. But just cause I love these pics so much, here are some pictures of the twins when they were six months old - we did this shoot for Father's day and it was so much fun.

Amelia has such a great smile

Jack's face just lights right up

They're so cute togetherUntil Jack starts bothering Amelia

Watch out Amelia


Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Long Time...

So, for the past two weeks I have been unbelievably sick with Labrynthritis (also known as inner ear infection). It has been the worst thing I have ever experienced. I've been unbelievably dizzy and sick with what has felt like the worst motion sickness and vertigo you could imagine. Needless to say I haven't been able to do anything nevermind post a bunch of pictures. So I'm a bit overdue with some of my posts and will have to try and catch up. I'm still having a hard time moving around because walking still makes me feel dizzy but I'm getting there... For now here are some photos from my Thanksgiving dinner with Scott's family - of course its all pics of the kids.

Amelia's Curious about Christmas already - who put out that Snowman?

Little Amelia - isn't she cute-not sure if she likes the camera yet

Jack with Uncle Brian

Jack Having Fun Playing

Little Anna-not quite sure of the camera
She's warming up to it
Graham's already a pro in front of the camera
Graham and Uncle Scott enjoying a story
"Chicken" Cat
Graham enjoying Uncle Scott's Shoes
Taking them for a spin