Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Long Time...

So, for the past two weeks I have been unbelievably sick with Labrynthritis (also known as inner ear infection). It has been the worst thing I have ever experienced. I've been unbelievably dizzy and sick with what has felt like the worst motion sickness and vertigo you could imagine. Needless to say I haven't been able to do anything nevermind post a bunch of pictures. So I'm a bit overdue with some of my posts and will have to try and catch up. I'm still having a hard time moving around because walking still makes me feel dizzy but I'm getting there... For now here are some photos from my Thanksgiving dinner with Scott's family - of course its all pics of the kids.

Amelia's Curious about Christmas already - who put out that Snowman?

Little Amelia - isn't she cute-not sure if she likes the camera yet

Jack with Uncle Brian

Jack Having Fun Playing

Little Anna-not quite sure of the camera
She's warming up to it
Graham's already a pro in front of the camera
Graham and Uncle Scott enjoying a story
"Chicken" Cat
Graham enjoying Uncle Scott's Shoes
Taking them for a spin

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