Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Past Two Weeks...

... Have been absolutely insane. Things have been super busy as Scott and I were renovating our new place (ie. de-eightyfying it and applying lots o' paint) and packing up our old place. We finally moved in on Saturday and so it's been boxes, boxes and more boxes. When things look better I will take pics to share of our new pride and joy.

In the meantime, I wanted to share some super cute photos of Anna and Graham (my husbands -and mine - niece and nephew). Anna is now almost 7 months old and it had been quite a while since she had a special photo shoot of her own. She was full of smiles and giggles and was sooooooo cute. Her big bro got in on the action too.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the photos. They are so cute.