Thursday, November 02, 2006

Our New Little Place

Okay, so the latest and probably most exciting news is that Scott and I bought our first place! It all happened unexpectadly (even though we've been looking on and off for a while) and then of course I got super sick. So, the celebrating has been on the back burner a bit but since I'm feeling much better we're having a lot of fun thinking of all the cool things we're going to do to it (It needs some updating). And of course I'm super excited because I get way more space for all my photography stuff.

So Anyway, It's a townhouse in Lynn Valley, so we're both excited that we're still on the North Shore. And the lovely green door on the left is our front door and we have the top two floors. So we get the balcony and the top four windows. So Exciting and we can't wait to move in.

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