Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Koh Family

Sometimes in life we have these amazing reminders of how small the world really is and this amazing family was one of those reminders in more than one way. First off, I arrived at my destination and immediately knew I had been at this house before. Three years ago I arrived as an assistant for Kristi Sneddon and we shot the amazing wedding of Norah and Brendan. I was so happy to find out that this was the great family I was getting to hang out with for a session. Not only that but, Jude, who was amazing enough to hire me, had no idea I was the same photographer and hired me thanks to recommendations with mutual friends. And the friends we know is yet another reminder of "woah, it's a small world". Then of course there is lovely baby Lauren and as soon as I set my eyes on her it was like looking at one of my own baby photos ( I will definately have to dig one up for a comparison). What can I say, the world is full of surprises.

Moving on... The Koh Family. This family was soooooooooooo amazing and the love and energy, laugther and excitement is all very evident and contagious. Not to mention this is one of the cutest bunch of kids I have ever seen - I was gushing the whole time and was secretly trying to figure out how to take one of them home. I had such a great time interacting and playing with all the kids and it was definately one of those sessions where I just couldn't put my camera down. Take a look at the slideshow and a few of my fave images.

Thanks again Koh Family for dinner and the evening - Enjoy your photos!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tofino Vacation - Part 1

Tofino! Tofino! Tofino! Ahhh, well, what can I say... In August my husband and I, his 3 brothers and their wives and the nieces and nephews showed up in Horseshoe bay in a big caravan of cars to head out on our long awaited camping trip to Tofino. We were SO excited as previous trips to Tofino have been absolute heaven and despite weather reports or rain we still couldn't contain our giddiness. Well... Mother nature taught us west coasters a nasty lesson and to cut a L-O-N-G and crazy story short, our week long camping trip lasted approx 48 hours thanks to the hurricane like storm that hit Tofino. In any case, there are some eager peeps who would love to see some photos so I just thought I'd briefly share a few of my faves. Hopefully more to come and maybe even a slideshow if there are enough pics. Enjoy

* Note: all pics are taken with my point-and-shoot*

Monday, September 08, 2008

Fun in the park with the Anderson Family

I know that I'm a bit behind on blogging some of our summer fun (and some not-so-summer-fun) and please be patient with me as I catch up on all of it. For now, I did want to share some great shots of our dear friends the Anderson's. They were visiting Vancouver from their new home in Saskatoon and we managed to find a time to get together for some catching up. We also got to meet the newest addition to the Anderson family - soooooo cute. Nothing tells you how much time flies like how much kids grow up; and nothing brings out a kids personality like slides, monkey bars, rocking things and eating rocks! Thanks for the wonderful visit Anderson family - we had a great time at the park with you all - even though it was too short.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Laura & Tyler are getting Married

This morning I had the absolute pleasure of hanging out with Laura & Tyler to shoot their engagement photos. These two are super cute and fun together (not to mention -H-O-T) and combine that with killer morning light, a little dancing, swinging and all around goofiness and you get one great shoot. I'm really looking forward to shooting their wedding in January (wow - thinking of January already) especially since these two helped create some of my most favourite images of the year. Thank you Laura and Tyler for such a great morning - enjoy your sneak peek!


All of the following are in my favourite of favourites collection