Thursday, July 05, 2007

Lots going on but nothing to show

Well, I have been hit by the photography bug lately... It's been super busy for me (and not made any easier by the onset of Tennis elbow - not from tennis either but from my heavy cameras). I have been shooting lots which has put me behind on finishing things for my awesome clients. I apologize for those of you who are waiting for albums; they are almost done and I will contact you very soon, just a few finishing touches on my end. Unfortunately I don't have any pics to post at the moment because I've been doing a lot of shooting and second shooting for other photographers and those pics need to be seen by their clients first. The weddings have been so amazing, complete with what seemed like a reunion of some of my highschool teachers. I also did one rad engagement session in gastown which produced a few crazy stories and I'm glad we made it out in one piece. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I have been busy and hope to have great stuff to post soon. Cheers!

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