Thursday, October 09, 2008

New Orleans - Part 1

Well, I'm home! What can I say about 'the big easy'... First off, the architecture and colour is addictive and I could have shot a lot there. Secondly, Brad Pitt was there and I missed him =( Some people from the conference saw him on his bike, and then quickly saw the Paparazzi chasing after him. Though I didn't see Brad Pitt, I did see James Gandolfini from the Soprano's while eating lunch - he took special notice of us but I think that was because of our giant cameras. The workshop was wonderful and not only did I get to learn from those whose workshops I signed up for ( the Amazing Lena Hyde, Jesh De Rox and Jessica Claire) but also got to meet soooo many other amazing Industry photographers like Jerry Ghionis, Tamara Lackey and Joe Photo. I can't forget the amazing people I met in the workshops too who really helped to make the whole experience fun for me. It was great times and though I have lots to say I thought I'd move right into some of the amazing pics I got to take of our models while there (Since that's what most of you really want to see). Enjoy!

The first day I was in Lena Hyde's class and so we had a few moments to see how she works with children - aren't these two super cute. I L-O-V-E the red skirt, note to clients I am MORE than up for fun, flirty, girly skirts for your daughters.

This was a shot I quickly grabbed while walking through the lobby - two models are waiting for their massive group of photographers - SO BEAUTIFUL!

These are from the workshop with Jessica Claire. The first two were shot while Jessica was posing the couple and many of the rest were set up my moi and other members of our group.


Callie Crass said...

Jenn I love your images! I'm so glad we got a chance to meet up this time! Hopefully again.

Carolyn said...

Wow, great photos. That must have been a great experience to go there.