Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Katy Garden...

... is going to be FAMOUS!!! I met Katy a little while back at a fundraising event for the Vancouver opera. I was delighted when she called me to do some great new headshots for her upcoming perfomance. She is an amazing soprano singer (although I haven't actually heard her sing, but I can only imagine - she seems like one of those just all-around-amazing-at-everything type of people) and will be in an upcoming production in Vancouver. So today we just hung out and started off by getting some good "serious" headshots and then went and strolled around Granville Island for what turned out to be a gorgeous and somewhat summer like afternoon. I had tonnes of fun placing Katy in front of bright colouful walls and the wind was awesome - it was like she had her own personal hair fan all afternoon. Katy is soooooooooooo beautiful and made my job super easy. We blew through hundreds of shots so to just pick a few was tough so I'll probably post more photos of her once I get through more of them. For now here are some of my favs. Thanks Katy for such an amazing afternoon.

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