Thursday, August 30, 2007


What can I say... sun, sand and soooooooooooooooooo many good times. Good family and friends. Great Great (way too great for camping) food and drinks. All I can say is that my husband and I are going through serious Tofino withdrawl. CLICK HERE FOR THE SLIDESHOW

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Off to Tofino

Just want to let everyone know that I am going to be out of town until Monday the 27th. I will be inTofino and will not have internet access so I won't be checking my email. Please be patient and I will answer your questions when I get back. CHEERS!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Stephanie & Matt Engagement Slideshow

Stephanie & Matt's Engagement Shoot in Coal Harbour from late July is now in a wonderful slideshow for all to see. Click HERE or on the image to see how "ridiculously goodlooking" these two are and how beautiful Coal Harbour is in the summer.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Details, Details, Details...

I have been very busy at some amazing weddings over the last while. Unfortunately I can't show you much of the photos as the weddings are for other photographers and clients have first dibbs on seeing the photos but I can show you a few fabulous (and faceless) details that I've had the honour of taking and that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE. What could be better than shoes, flowers, dresses and cupcakes ?! Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Memories of Anvil

Well I made it back in one piece and must say I am already missing Anvil Island. The week was wonderful and as usual the campers and staff were absolutely amazing. I took loads of photos of the campers and wish I could share them with you but I will be unable to - at least for now (same goes for the two weddings I shot on the weekend but I'm working on sharing something). I did just want to share a few photos from the week at camp though. Hope everyone is enjoying the summer (although I'm not sure where it went these last few days).

Deer are very common on the island and are not afraid of humans at all,
it's really easy to get close

A camper and her counsellor enjoying an afternoon
on the water

A future camper, my niece Anna ... I'm sure she can't wait!