Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Christmas Evening...

...with Kevin, Bev, Jack and Amelia taking some great family portraits and decorating the tree. Definately puts me in the mood for some Christmas Magic. Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays so far. Here are some favs from the night and their slideshow. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE SLIDESHOW.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Gray Family Slideshow

Here is the Gray Family slideshow from the awesome photo shoot we had together on Sunday. I know I got to say lots of amazing things about this family in my last post and I would love to say lots more amazing things but I really just want you to watch the slideshow and see how amazing and fun they are for yourself. Enjoy Gray Family!!! CLICK HERE or on the PHOTO ABOVE.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

The Gray Family Preview

This morning I had an absolutely awesome session with the Gray Family. We managed to get together for a last minute shoot before Christmas and I'm so glad we did. This family is full of lots of love and great laughs. Their little one Spencer is super charismatic and very expressive and also a wiz with technology at age one. We had a great session at their home and even made it outside for a few more wintery type shots. Enjoy the preview and the slideshow should be coming soon.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

December Sunset

There's been lots going on lately and I haven't had much chance to blog about the crazy snow we got (which is all gone now) or all the Christmas Decorating I'm trying to get done. But I did want to share this amazing December sunset from the other night that I took in downtown Vancouver. The sun is shinning now but a little more never hurt.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Shore Family Slideshow

The slideshow from the amazing session with the Shore Family is available for your viewing pleasure. Again, I had such a great time with this family and everytime I look at their images I find more and more favourites. Enjoy - click on the image below or on the link here.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Shore Family Preview

Today has been a busy day but one of the definate highlights was my family session with The Shore Family. It was so awesome meeting Carly and Mark and their little girls Abigail and Penelope. This family is so full of love (and good looks) that it made for a really great session. Here's just a little preview of what we got - ENJOY!!!

Oh, and Penelope has provided me with my new favourite baby shot - SOOOOOOOO CUTE!!! Take a look at that smile - priceless!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Happy Belated Birthday to me

Okay, so I did have to post one photo from my birthday that I thought was really cute. My father-in-law got this great shot of the kids helping me blow out my birthday candles. Unfortunately you can only see 2 (Anna and Graham) of the 4 nieces and nephews who were actually helping me blow out my candles - they all did such a great job and between the five of us we actually blew them all out. Until next year...

A birthday evening with the fam

Last night was a fun night at my in-laws with most of my husband's family. We happen to get together almost every week for family dinner and last night was no exception. It also happened to be my birthday so the yummy birthday cake was a great treat. The best part was that I had a whole family of people to photograph with my new fancy schmancy camera (an early birthday present to myself). Enjoy all the little nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles, g-g's and papa's (and no, there are no photos of me).

Going back to Halloween

So last month for Halloween (I can't believe it's actually Mid-November already) we spent the evening at Kevin and Bev's and went trick'or'treating with Jack and Amelia. I know they've been awaiting their photos of them in their costumes as Super Man and Ms. Ladybug so here they are...

TADA!!! Superman and Ladybug
Reach for the Sky!!!
Trick ' or ' Treat
So you put candy in the bag?
Ladybug and myself trick'or'treating down the street

A long time blogging...and emailing...

Hello Everyone, sorry for not blogging in a while - we've had some internet problems. I never realized how much I actually use the internet until it's actually gone. I need to work on diversifying my life a little bit. Anyway, I have some posts to catch up on. Also, to all my clients who have emailed me, I'll be getting back to you shortly, I apologize for the delay. Now that I'm back and connected I'll be answering all the emails.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Jack and Amelia are TWO!!!

Time goes by so fast. The twins, Jack and Amelia had their second birthday last week and so Sunday was their very special birthday party. It was full of presents, family, kids and lots of craziness but really was such a cool day. The kids (all of them) are so much fun to be around and its fun to watch them all interact as they try to understand all the crazy things we adults do. The presents, cake and blowing out candles were quite the hit and quite the entertainment.


Enjoy your slideshow HERE!!!